Specializing in Gas, Wood, Pellet & electric fireplaces. Including Cleaning & maintenance, Repairs, Complete new installs + sales, Trouble shooting, Dryer Vent Cleaning, Chimney sweeps.. BBQ/Barbeque repair & sales, Outdoor Fire Pits & more. I have been in the fireplace industry for 20 years...\n Prior to go Independent I was Installing & servicing for other companies here In Bakersfield.\n\nAll photos are of My completed installs.Services Offered:Bathroom Exhaust Duct CleaningChimney InstallationChimney RepairDirect-Vented Built-in Fireplace InstallationElectric Fireplace InstallationElectric Fireplace RepairElectric Fireplace TV Stand InstallationEnclosed Fireplace InstallationFireplace CleaningFireplace Insert InstallationFireplace Mantel InstallationGas-Burning Fireplace InstallationGas-Burning Fireplace RepairKitchen Exhaust Duct CleaningLint Screen CleaningOpen Hearth Fireplace InstallationOutdoor Fireplace InstallationWall Mounted Fireplace InstallationWood-Burning Fireplace InstallationWood-Burning Fireplace RepairWood-Burning Stove Installation
Bathroom Exhaust Duct Cleaning
Chimney Installation
Chimney Repair
Direct-Vented Built-in Fireplace Installation
Electric Fireplace Installation
Electric Fireplace Repair
Electric Fireplace TV Stand Installation
Enclosed Fireplace Installation
Fireplace Cleaning
Fireplace Insert Installation
Fireplace Mantel Installation
Gas-Burning Fireplace Installation
Gas-Burning Fireplace Repair
Kitchen Exhaust Duct Cleaning
Lint Screen Cleaning
Open Hearth Fireplace Installation
Outdoor Fireplace Installation
Wall Mounted Fireplace Installation
Wood-Burning Fireplace Installation
Wood-Burning Fireplace Repair
Wood-Burning Stove Installation
Bakersfield, CA