Top Moving Company, Self Storage, and Cleaning services | LoServe


About Provider

Hygienitech mattress cleaning &upholstery sanitizing systems,combines with germicidal killing UV-C light is the most powerful,cleanest and greenest toll to kill all the germ like bacteria,viruses and mold without harmful residue.The germicidal power of this light is over 1.600 time stronger than sunlight. We also have a product called Vital.Oxide disinfectant was veryfied by US EPA and health canada and proven to be efective in killing 99.99%bacteria and viruses which does not contain substances harmful again human or animal Services Offered:Carpet CleaningOdor RemovalStain RemovalWater ExtractionDesk CleaningEmergency ServicesFloor CleaningFurniture CleaningEco/Green CleaningDeep CleaningJanitorial ServicesMattress CleaningMove In/Move Out CleaningVirtual ConsultationsKitchen CleaningVacuumingPost Construction CleaningPost-event CleaningRestroom CleaningRug CleaningUpholstery CleaningVehicle Upholstery CleaningWindow Cleaning

Services Provided

Carpet Cleaning

Odor Removal

Stain Removal

Water Extraction

Desk Cleaning

Emergency Services

Floor Cleaning

Furniture Cleaning

Eco/Green Cleaning

Deep Cleaning

Janitorial Services

Mattress Cleaning

Move In/Move Out Cleaning

Virtual Consultations

Kitchen Cleaning


Post Construction Cleaning

Post-event Cleaning

Restroom Cleaning

Rug Cleaning

Upholstery Cleaning

Vehicle Upholstery Cleaning

Window Cleaning

Areas Serviced

Marietta, GA